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Let's put an end to child abuse...

​Our Mission:

To empower caregivers with the tools and knowledge to protect children from victimization by facilitating open and developmentally appropriate conversations about mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. 


Our Vision:

A world where children are free from victimization. 


The Facts:

  • 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be abused before their 18th birthday

  • Children with disabilities are 3x more likely to be abused


We must talk to our children about their bodies and how they can stay safe.


Dr. Lauren Hodges, founder of Kula Empowered, has worked in child welfare for over ten years and has a number of years experience interviewing victims of child sexual abuse. Through her work and education, Lauren discovered that there is a need for information to be shared with caregivers about how to talk to their children about body safety. By equipping caregivers with the tools to engage in healthy discussions with their children, it is believed that parents can then be the experts to their child in all things relationships, boundaries and body safety. 


The mobile application, Kula Empowered, was developed for parents to learn about child development, along with social and peer influences their child will likely experience and how to address body safety topics in a developmentally appropriate way. Built by a parent, for parents, Lauren believes that parents can prevent abuse by educating their children through discussions and conversations regarding their bodies, their relationships, and how to keep themselves safe and secure. 




"As someone who grew up in a household tinged by the consequences of sexual abuse, discovering the Kula app has been a revelation and a source of immense hope.This app, aimed at empowering and educating parents about preventing sexual abuse in children, resonates deeply with me due to my family's history.

My parents, both victims of abuse, inadvertently instilled more fear than education in me regarding sexuality. This not only affected my perception but also made me anxious about how to approach this subject with my own child. Kula stands out as a transformative tool, breaking these cycles of fear and misinformation.

The app is user-friendly and addresses sensitive topics with an appropriate balance of seriousness and understanding. Kula is providing me with monthly valuable insights and tools, to educate and protect my child in a healthy, informed manner." - Annie, mom to 8 year old girl


"Kula is an indispensable tool in a world still grappling with misogyny. This app educates parents and children on preventing sexual abuse, challenging gender stereotypes and promoting respect for all genders. It empowers users to recognize and confront abuse, a crucial step in a society where females often face marginalization. Kula's focus on consent, boundaries, and equality is a powerful counter to misogynistic attitudes, fostering healthier interactions and awareness." - Parent in Canada


"Parenting can be overwhelming and often times, I find myself worrying about how I am going to handle things in the future. Kula has helped me center my focus on the issues/milestones my kids are facing right now, at the age they are at, rather than worrying about how I will handle issues they will have two years from now. Kula has also brought forth important topics to be mindful of that I would have never have thought of myself." - Margot, mom to two boys



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